6 Quotes & Sayings By Jan Cox Speas

Jan Cox Speas has traveled the world, teaching art to children for over forty years. She is the author of two books of poetry, Embarking on Imagination and A Journey into Imagination. Jan's work has appeared in magazines and newspapers throughout the United States, Canada, England, Italy, Germany, and Australia. She has received numerous awards for her work including twice-named "Poet of the Year" by the American Academy of Poets Read more

Jan was named "Best Children's Artist" in 1999 by the North Carolina Arts Council and was awarded the Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts in both 2005 and 2008. Jan is an accomplished watercolorist who often paints landscapes and seascapes inspired by her travels around the world.

The honor a man carries in his heart cannot be explained, lass, " he said slowly. "Nor can you measure the courage of a man who will not betray his friends, even though he faces disaster himself. We've no right to question, unless we have known the same dilemma and acquitted ourselves with the same integrity. Jan Cox Speas
Dreams were frail things, when all was said, and loneliness the only certainty. Jan Cox Speas
Honesty must sometimes be taken in small measure, like a bitter medicine. Jan Cox Speas
No pain is unbearable except that of regret. Jan Cox Speas
Endurance is not the frail and tenuous thing some think it, but is in reality the measuring rod of our sanity and may be safely stretched to fill our direst need. Jan Cox Speas